RFE Weather Plugin

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    • Das Plugin wurde nun veröffentlicht ;)

      Download (www.factor-r.es)

      Würds ja gern jetzt schon testen, doch muss das wohl warten *wand

      Hier noch im Spoiler verstecke Infos über einen public Server und paar Informationen bzgl. des Plugins ;)

      Spoiler anzeigen
      RFEWeather enabled Public server
      The rFactor Imperio and Factor-R leagues have joined to open a public server for those willing to feel the emotion of driving under constant climate changes in rfactor 1. For this purpose, a public download has been made available including the A1Ring circuit adapted, and a car with wet and dry compounds.

      The RFEWeather plugin is configured on cycle mode, with a 2 hour period, that is the time to go from clear sky to hard rain and back to the initial status. The track will get wet during the clear sky to rain transition, and will get dry from rain to dry transition, where the dry line will be visible (and usable).

      To be able to check the weather conditions, an url is provided where you can check track and ambient temperatures, track wetness and current/projected weather.

      A public forum has been enabled to answer questions about the track, the car, the tire compounds, weather or any other doubts related to the plugin.

      To be able to enjoy the experience (visual effects), it is recommended to use high visual settings. Dx9 is recommended, even if dx7 is enough.

      Intermediate compounds are recommended when the track is wet only, and wet compounds only on hard rain. Slicks are enough to drive on any other case, depending on your driving skills.


      The weather url will suggest the tire compounds based on the track wetness.
      The ammount of spray and the rain light are good indicators about the tires that must be used, or when to change to another compound.
      Every compound has a different temperature range. If wet compound gets hot, you can drive out of the dry line to cold them.

      Urls of interest:

      Required download (circuit and car): http://factor-r.es/index.php/competiciones/2012-01-04-10-00-45
      Questions public forum: http://www.rfactorimperio.com/index.php/foro/39-rfe-weather-public-server
      Weather server: http://weather.symracing.net/node/4
      rFactor Public server: rfactor://frrt.dyndns.org:35305
      TeamSpeak Public Server : frrt.dyndns.org:9987

      Good luck, have fun and watch out, it might be slippery when wet ;)

      IP : frrt.dyndns.org:35305
      Contraseña : RFIFRRT ( solo dia de carrera )

      Confirmacion de Asistencia Aqui (solo para pachanga privada)
      Condiciones de carrera

      Clima : Variable
      Vueltas : 30
      Desgaste gomas : x3
      Consumo : Normal


      CT : Total
      ABS : Bajo
      Marchas : Total
      "Beim Beschleunigen müssen die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagerecht zum Ohr hin abfließen." - Walter Röhrl
    • Muss mich ein wenig korrigieren:
      Es handelt sich lediglich um Strecke und Fahrzeug...das Plugin ist auf dem Server zum testen installiert und noch nicht zum Download bereit.

      Da ich auf die schnelle nur sehen konnte, dass dort ein 2011er F1 Fahrzeug enthalten ist und eine Version des A1 Ring (die aus den Videos) wäre es schön, wenn mal wer checken könnte, ob es sich dabei um legale Mods handelt ;)
      "Beim Beschleunigen müssen die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagerecht zum Ohr hin abfließen." - Walter Röhrl