Wochenreport KW3 2012

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    • Wochenreport KW3 2012

      Dies ist der erste Wochenreport bei Racebit.de!
      In diesem Wochenreport wollen wir euch einige Highlights der Woche präsentieren. Dieser soll es allen ermöglichen die Woche nochmals revuepassieren zu lassen. Vielleicht wird für den ein oder anderen auch etwas Neues dabei sein. Unten sind jeweils die Themen aufgeführt und unter dem Feld Spoiler (einmal anklicken) verbirgt sich dann Näheres zu dem Thema.

      Da dies der erste Wochenreport ist, wird hier sehr viel vorgestellt, was vielleicht schon Wochen zuvor Thema war - Ich hoffe es unterhält dennoch! Kommentare, Wünsche und Anregungen sind sehr willkommen!
      Ansonsten bleibt nur noch viel Spass zu wünschen und euch darum zu bitten, fleißig Kommentare zu schreiben und natürlich auch für die kommenden Wochen Neuigkeiten einzusenden (PM mit Link an mich ;)).

      im Auftrag von racebit.de

      Racebit Neuigkeiten
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      • Es gibt jetzt eine Startseite, diese enthält Neuigkeiten und in kleinen Kästchen auf der rechten Seite die letzten und neuesten Beiträge sowie eine kurze Statistik
      • Nun hat unser Forum eine Spoiler-Funktion mit der ihr lange Texte oder Zitate ganz einfach kürzen könnt. Eine Vorschau seht ihr im Wochenreport der KW3!
      • Neu gestartet wurde der Racebit Wochenreport. Den ersten könnt ihr gerade jetzt lesen!

      Bild der Woche

      von TobiX, gepostet am 21.01.2012

      rFactor WIP Addon: RFE Weather Plugin
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      Mehr Informationen (offizielle Seite)

      rFactor WIP Addon: RFE Tire Model

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      RFETireModel is a client-side plugin to enhance the current rfactor’s tire model. Basic physics are still being calculated by gmotor, and additional calculation and graphical adjustments are done by the plugin.

      Plugin release details:

      - No download links for now.
      - To be released before March.

      Features 1.0

      - Tyre radius change due to tread wear.
      - Tyre wear enhancements (both physical and visual).
      - Tyre flatspotting (both physical and visual).
      - Server side plugin for tyre rules control on multiplayer games.

      For those asking for physics, I can tell you that driving with a flatspot is hard as hell.. In this video you can see (sorry, you can’t feel the FFB ;) ) some of the consequences of driving with a flatspot tire with this plugin (Note that the "flat" results have been increased x5 for the video):
      – Car falls down (literally) due to the changes in the geometry of the wheel because of the flatspot.. The FFB feeling is not just a simple rumble.
      – The tire offers more resistance to rolling on the flatspotted area, that means more probability of flatspotting again in the same area of the tire the next time
      – The temperature and wear of the tire are also affected because of the friction.

      As said, more information soon.. Thanks for understanding what WIP means.

      Mehr Informationen (offizielle Seite)

      Race07 Series/GTR-Evo: Lada Priora WTCC 2009

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      v 1.00 Beta
      Lada Priora WTCC 2009 + Realistic Damage System

      All materials and data is owned by Touring Car Hunters and is protected by copyright. It may not be changed, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast in any way whatsoever without the permission of Touring Car Hunters.

      Model Author: Denis Zobnin
      Another information - later.


      WIP GTR3: Simbin über Lizenzen und Content

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      Lizenz für Corvette GT2 bestätigt!

      Lizenz für P4/5 Competizione bestätigt und Making-Of-Bilder vorgestellt!

      via & via

      WIP GTR2/rFactor2: Audi TT-R 2003 DTM

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      (Hinweis: Das Video ist aufgrund seiner unterlegten Musik dank GEMA in Deutschland nicht verfügbar. Um es dennoch zu betrachten kann eine der zahlreichen Proxy-Youtube-Seiten benutzt werden oder auch das ProxyTube-Plugin für Firefox)


      rFactor2 Plugin: RealHeadMotion plugin

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      The camera shaking in rF2, is very bad, it give nausea, make the viewing of the track difficult and it's not even realistic of what a drive see when he drives.

      offiziellen Website
      Foreneintrag + Download im ersten Post

      Project CARS – Build 134 & 135 Available

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      Slightly Mad Studios have released a new development build of their WMD-powered Project CARS title, adding new content and plenty of improvements to the title.

      The new build makes the Ariel Atom V8 as well as a first version of Silverstone available to all members with Team Member status and above.

      Build 134 and a subsequently released patch also majorly improves the title’s force feedback system so all Project CARS members are strongly advised to check out the changes in the new builds. Both build 134 and the patch build 135 are available to download for Team Members and above.

      via virtualr.net
      pCARS Homepage
      diskutiere in Racebit's pCARS Forum

      rFactor WIP Mod: DTM 1995 von Saecco

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      Bisher gibt es nur wenige Informationen:
      + Modelle von Saecco
      + Einheitscockpit von -DK- (ehemals LMT DTM Team)
      + Release TBA
      + es gibt etliches Bildmaterial auf dem Blog von Saecco (Link siehe unten)

      Saecco's Blog

      rFactor2 Beta Track: Putnam Park by Alex Sawczuk

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      I’ve had a few days spare to play around with the recent rFactor2 release, and pretty much used up all my spare time now. So I’ve decided to push out what I’ve managed so far with my Putnam Park conversion from my original scratch build for rFactor. Find details below.

      + Beta 0.2 für rFactor2 am 21.01.2012 veröffentlicht

      Mehr Informationen und Download

      rFactor2 Plugin: Motec PlugIn V1.0

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      Previous version wasn’t deleting its temp files – sorry!
      (you can go and delete any .ldtemp files you find in your log folder, MoteC doesn’t use them)

      + Added most of the new data in rF2′s plugin interface, but there are some caveats:
      + Filtered input can now be logged. You can see autoblip & autolift, speed limiter, and probably also TC on the throttle trace, ABS effects will be seen on braking (I think!), steering input is affected by steering help and maybe sensitivity etc. I’m not sure how useful this is so you can choose in the .ini file whether to log the raw inputs as before, the new filtered ones (which will appear as the normal input channels in MoteC), or both (Filtered inputs are new channels, and you’ll have to add them to graphs yourself).
      + Wheel Toe and Camber is logged – unfortunately rF2 is currently returning 0 for all camber values.
      + Steering input is now a percentage of full lock. In rF1 I was grabbing the current setup steering lock from memory and producing a steered angle from it, but you should be able to use the average of FL and FR Toe values to get an accurate steered angle figure (MoteC’s built-in ‘Oversteer’ Maths will use it).
      + Aerodynamics figures (drag, front/rear downforce, front wing height, front/rear height) can be logged, but again this is optional and off by default. I’ve assumed N for the forces.
      + Contact patch details are referenced and now logged (lateral and longitudinal velocities for both the ground at the contact patch and the contact patch itself)… but always return 0 from rF2. Even if it worked I would wonder how useful it would be for setting up a car, but if it ever gets switched on you can log it if you want.
      + ‘Brake Pressure’ for each wheel; the files (ISI) say this is a percentage figure at the moment, so they will represent the current brake balance and pedal position. Expected to switch to kPa later on, I’ll update the unit then.
      + Other new channels: Suspension force for each wheel, front and rear third spring deflection.

      "Beim Beschleunigen müssen die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagerecht zum Ohr hin abfließen." - Walter Röhrl