rF2 Build 228 released!

    • rF2 Build 228 released!

      Bitte benutzt den Autoupdater um das System einem Stresstest zu unterziehen.


      Build 198 hatte einen Bug, deshalb könnt ihr nicht mit dem Autoupdater updaten. Einfach die Liteversion 218 oder 228 runterladen und drüberinstallieren. Neuere Versionen die dann kommen sollten normal mit dem Autoupdate laufen.

      Ansonsten findet ihr die Downloads an gewohnter Stelle:

      ================================================== ===
      Update 15 (Build 228) Changelog (June 10, 2013):
      ================================================== ===

      Fixed an error with frame buffer textures in a few cases
      Fixed a problem with HDR bloom when running multiview
      Did some adjustment of multiview HDR processing
      Added detail levels to env and road reflection options

      Fixed bug where the audio mixer treats the player as an opponent when going under AI control.
      For onboard cams, setting Flags2 to 1 will make them use external rather than internal sounds.

      Attempt to correct controller IDs if they get switched around when plugging in other input devices like joysticks.

      More tidying up of multiview replay

      UI / HUD / Options:
      Clearing sidebars from replay gizmo when bouncing back to main monitor from large replay window in multiplayer

      Fixed a crash in ModMgr when switching from detailed to simple view
      Fix up some minor UI problems in MAS2
      Added ability to place listeners for ambient sounds using the editor.
      Added ability to see the path the AI last took in AIW editor show/hide menu
      Fixed an issue in ModMgr where an install to a new directory would use last known working and packages folders – new installs will now use new working and packages folders until modified by user.
      Added menu option to cancel recording paths in AIW editor and to trigger path recording with “External Signal Left” mappable input.

      Fixed a bug when toggling FXAA from in game where the shaders were not being recompiled properly
      Fixed alt-tab crash in MP caused by multiple rearview inits
      Demo set as PREFERRED_RFM
      Fixed recently introduced bug where clients would sometimes halt when another client exited the race.
      Fix skins on dedicated server replays, not yet sure if this helps with skins on client replays.
      Fixed “Get Mod” password entry box to send player to the right screen when “Enter” key is used to progress forward
      Fixed a bug with incorrect billboard rotation when wind/crown motion deactivated
      When mapping controls to a controller axis, fixed a minor problem where the axis settings could get stuck in a bad configuration (more specifically, while we tried to detect whether you were trying to use a half axis or a full axis).

      Fixed bug where sometimes AI would get stuck in an extremely slow state.
      Closed potential slowdown loop when yellow flag is thrown and freezing running order for AIs.

      Fixed an alt-tab crash specific to MP only
      Added send rate control to built in HTTP server
      Added server & admin commands “/dq” and “/undq” to disqualify and re-qualify drivers.
      Remove exited clients’ cars if restarting weekend.
      Added basic race rejoin after disconnect, which must be enabled on the server to work (with the multiplayer.ini setting “Allow Race Rejoin”). Currently you just get a new car in the garage.